All our services center around the preaching and the teaching of the Word of God. And God has proved Himself by confirming His word in our lives. We have a teaching ministry we call DOERS OF THE WORD BIBLE INSTITUTE (DOWBI). It is designed to teach the believers the practical approach to successful Christian living. Testimonies from this institute abound.

Annually we have conferences for the Youth, the Women, the Men, the Marrieds, the Working Youth, the Children and Business.

Ministry Profile

This is Kampala Bible Revelation Church (KBRC). It is located at Makerere 1, Mukubira Zone on sir Apollo Kaggwa Road near MBI Makerere Business Institute.

Kampala Bible Revelation Church began on Sunday 8th January 1995 at Makerere University, Faculty of Arts, lower lecture theatre.This faculty being near to St. Francis, we could not sing and clap our hands loud. The Dean had warned us that if the clergy complain that we were making noise he would throw us out immediately. We complied. We started in a humble way and we were just about 25 people both old and young and all of us were poor. Pastor MutukirizaHanning had heard from the Lord concerning our ministry. On that first Sunday he read to us from the Bible what he called the ministry’s covenant. This is in Ezekiel 37: 26 – 28 which says,

26 Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an everlasting covenant with them: and I will place them, and multiply them, and will set my sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore.

27 My tabernacle also shall be with them: yea, I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

28 And the heathen shall know that I the Lord do sanctify Israel, when my sanctuary shall be in the midst of them for evermore.”

Though we were very few, pastor encouraged us that the Lord will place us and multiply us greatly and that we shall be a people placed and multiplying greatly. On Sunday 5th March 1995 the Lord spoke to our pastor to take a new ministry offering and thank God for it. The Lord said that the offering will be enough for the church land. We took that message seriously and pledged to bring the little we had. Amazingly, from March up to July we had 6.5 million shillings out of the new ministry offering from a very few people among whom noe had a car. At the same time we found land at Mukubira Zone, Makerere 1 which we purchased at 7 million shillings cash. In the month of October that year we took an offering and put up a small temporary shelter. We put little wood in the sides so that when you sit or stand they don’t see you from outside but the wood never reached the ground nor the wall plate. On Sunday 17th December 1995 we shifted from Makerere University to our new property. It was a new day.

Our Statement Of Faith

  1. It is the purpose of the one true God, that believers of His only Son, Jesus Christ our Lord constitute a body, consisting of the followers of Jesus herein called KAMPALA BIBLE REVELATION CHURCH otherwise of which Jesus Christ is the head and its Cornerstone and the sole reason of faith in God by all human race.
  2. These shall observe the responsibility of assembling together, worship of God, counsel of the Holy Spirit and instruction in/of the scriptures and shall be good witnesses of Christ through projecting a lifestyle of Christ and his works, based on the Bible. In order to achieve this, our fellowship will counsel every believer to contend for, maintain and manifest his life, evidence of true salvation, the anointing of the Holy Spirit, righteousness, and active faith and thus be ready to fight vigorously and defeat completely every trace of satan’s power on earth.
  3. In such a regard it must be instituted as a cardinal rule that such believers as we, shall subscribe and only do so, to the Holy Bible, with translations based on the King James Version as the authorized, and infallible word of God, the only rule of faith, conduct and life.
  4. It is our unshakable conviction that such a God as we worship also, mysteriously exists in three Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and that these three persons of the One God pertain to unchangeable status of co-equality, co-existentiality, and co-substantiality.
  5. All members of the body of Christ believe and have an obligation to preach and teach clearly of the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His vicarious and atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father, His future personal return to the earth to take his body of believers to heaven by rapture, and His reign on earth for a thousand years; believers being priests and kings with Him. Then there shall be a new heaven and a new earth,. However, non-believers shall be thrown into the lake of fire.
  6. Believers should be open to God for His supply of His power to do signs and wonders in Jesus’ name as promised in the Bible. This helps to present Jesus Christ as being the one in whom the oppressed of the earth can have hope in.
  7. All members of the body of Christ believe in Jesus Christ as the only way to God, the only Saviour through whom and only him, sin can be forgiven. This then results in a regeneration of the spirit of man by the Holy Spirit.
  8. We believe that prayer, laying on of hands, and the spoken command of the anointing by faith in Jesus is the rightful approach of the scriptures by which the sick and those oppressed of demons, and any oddly diseased will be set free. We also believe in the conventional use of medicine and medical doctors to remove sickness and correct physical pain or difficulties.
  9. All believers as a rule shall be baptized by immersion in water and the Holy Spirit.
  10. By the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, we must practice a holy life as God is holy.
  11. We believe that over comers of the earth, sin, Satan and the flesh shall live with God eternally. Whereas sinners shall be eternally damned.
  12. We believe as Kampala Bible Revelation Church that all who practice such faith as is taught in the scriptures are our brothers and sisters and shall pursue an open door policy toward them no matter what conditions we may be in.
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